2010年9月23日 星期四


     According to the weather report, a typhoon visited Taiwan on Sunday,  September 19, 2010.It called name Fanapi. Every time hear from typhoon coming, it always a lot of damage to the Taiwan. Sometimes, the damage to people and property is often beyond measure. In addition, Typhoon Fanapi brought heavy rains and high winds. It caused waterflooding in South Taiwan. So it like monster very horrible.      

1 則留言:

  1. Hi, Wendy: I am also sorry to hear that the southern part of Taiwan was severely devastated by Typhoon Fanapi. However, at the same time, I am also sorry to tell you that you have to pay attention to the structure of English writing. For example, 'Every time hear from typhoon coming, it always a lot of damage to the Taiwan." is not an English sentence. Again, 'So it like monster very horrible.' is not an English sentence either. Take some time to study English grammar so that you have a clear picture how English sentences are formed.
